Life in lockdown, a well rounded life?
So, we are nearly at the end of our mammoth series of Lockdowns…..Maybe.
Lock down has been a trial of sorts for all of us, primarily managing a ‘killer’ virus and secondly managing a whole new way of life.
Those of us still working through the pandemic have been inundated with work pressures, meeting after meeting with no space to pee, let alone fill up the cup of vodka.
Those of us with additional unexpected free time, bound to the local area and battling boredom alongside the pressure of the uncertainty of return.
All of us living life AT HOME- our houses creaking at the seams with people and activity, the echoes of Netflix and the ‘just one more episode’ thoughts.
SO what will out new “normal” look like?
What do we want to take into our new way of living?
For me it is something as simple as loving my lockdown introduced afternoon shower- there’s something about it that reminds me of being on holiday, coming in from one activity and getting ready for a chilled afternoon (my afternoons have been far from chilled) but that 20 mins reserved for the shower is enough to recalibrate and pump some dopamine through the system.
Perhaps it is worth taking a bit of stock in this last week about what have been the treasures worth keeping from our lockdown lives?
Perhaps we can look back with gratitudes for a year off of commuting, special times with our family, connecting with friends online? The opportunity to know what needs changing? Is now the time to recalibrate?
Goal setting
Grab some of sheets of paper and a couple of pens, this exercise can get messy…
Sit in your thoughts and then write down with some bold pens;
All the things you love about lockdown
All the things you dislike about lock down
All the things you love about freedom
All the things you dislike about freedom
What sort of person are you
What sort of person do you want to be
Then place them on the floor and have a look and a think and juggle them around and stand on the person you are sheet of paper and see what resonates, then stand on the person you want to be sheet and see what resonates that is the same or different, that way you can work towards who you want to be in more simple and clearer way.
Highlight the words, each time so that you have a code for goal mapping.
While some people may have been doing activity after activity and being totally awesome over lockdown some of us may be just exiting with nothing other the feeling of disappointment because we could have done more- instead we can look forward and set our goals and aspirations for the future, taking our lockdown learning and using it to create a whole new way of life. Goddamit :)
Header Photo by Clay LeConey on Unsplash
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