Argh! Is it that damned block again?

Sometimes do you find yourself ruminating on what the difference is between flow state and this blumin big … block?

Do you find yourself ‘preparing’ 85% procratinating another 10% and then maybe 5% tidying up?

I don’t know about you, but during those blocked times I can be, more than ever, full of self loathing and then self questioning, trying to figure out whether there is a secret to success that I am not allowed to to access, the questioning takes hold and before I know it, another day has passed.

Thankfully, what I have found, it’s rather like the plumber tale;

A plumber goes to a house to fix a leak that the owner has been struggling with for months, he comes in, listens to the system, goes upstairs and taps and then tightens a pipe, comes back downstairs to say to the homeowner, that will be £900 please. The homeowner, horrified says, “£900?! You’ve only been here 5 mins! That’s outrageous!” To which the plumber calmly says, “You haven’t paid me for my time, you have paid me for knowing where to tap to fix the issue.”

Hypnotherapy reaches in 'THERE', to the place where we need it to go and together, we can reach deep inside and help stir the passion or quieten the relentless critical voice. 

We can work at just How to get started and when to fit things in.

Our creativity is such an integral part of who we are, when we are creative, and denying that vital part of us, denies our truth...Eventually.

But what if creativity is our life? What if we are blocked?

A creative block can happen for any period of time, when if you normally engage in creative work and for whatever reason, you are unable to come up with new ideas or produce your usual level of output.

And oh! How this can be frustrating! A creative block can occur out of nowhere for a variety of reasons, such as stress, fatigue, lack of inspiration, or self-doubt.

A creative block may also be caused by external factors, such as a lack of resources or negative feedback from others. (The haters love to hate.) And that criticism, can absolutely cut to the core- because when we create we are exposing a deep, dark, part of ourselves, that only we know about; we create this internal wonders out of nowhere, and for some, for most, it’s precious, it’s a part of our soul, and sometimes all it can take is one standalone backhanded remark, and boom! Out comes that block!

What can we do to overcome a creative block, it may be helpful to take a break from the creative work, (if you can) or do the mundane bits. You could give a whole new different activity a go, find inspiration from other sources, (if others’ brilliance doesn’t ramp up the pressure and bring you down) I find, best to find inspiration from something completely difference, nothing that could trigger competitiveness, or if you’re and extrovert and mostly secure, perhaps collaboration with other folk to resource new ideas?

Or give me a call, a hypnosis trip into the subconscious, the imaginarium; the library of imaginations can be a wonderful place to explore.

Finally, It is important to remember that creative blocks are a normal part of the creative process (I know, you know) and that with time and patience, new ideas will eventually emerge…. Just speed it along a little.

Give Tracey a call or a text if you want a chat about how Hypnotherapy can help. Call 07976629098

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