Nice to see you. It’s about time.
Just another cycle of the moon, or another cycle of the year
Just how long are we going to put off our souls' purpose?
Have you ever felt like that?
Have you ever realised that months, maybe years have gone by and you still haven't started that painting, that book, or even that bit of DIY you wanted to restore, let alone the career change or the plans for children or even a wholesome partner?
The joy of hypnotherapy is that it opens you up to your purpose through creativity and exploring the inner archives of the mind in a free from criticism method, whether it is seeing the world in a different way, noticing the hues and being inspired to do something different, reducing that inner critical, judgemental voice inside that says,
"Why should YOU do it?" "Be grateful with what ?!"
Hypnotherapy reaches in 'THERE', we can reach deep inside and help stir the passion or quieten the voice.
We can work at just How to get started and when to fit things in.
Procrastination is a very useful tool for avoiding the things we don’t want to do, however that can very easily spill into the things we DO want to do.
And… A life’s purpose is such a daunting, all or nothing deal, and what if you don’t really know what your life purpose is and what if you would really like one?
I know it’s hard to really face oneself and look at what the core drivers are or aren’t and Gif forbid in this day and age if all we have ever wanted to be is a housewife and have a family and instead we are doing 100 other things precariously balanced on the career and social ladders rather than doing what we actually, really want, because life is so full, dating is so hard that we can’t carve out the time to aim for what we really want.
Sometimes more IS less.
But in fairness we may not even know that is what we want; we may not have the first clue, but something inside just knows that this, what we are experiencing is not soul happiness; it may be a happiness of sorts, but not that, deep down, I feel happy to my core stuff.
If you have any thoughts or ruminations or are stuck doing the things that look great on the outside but don’t feel great on the inside, pop Tracey a text and together we can explore what it is you want, need to be doing for your soul to sing! 07976629098