It's one of those things being a parent; before it happens, you wonder what all the fuss is about, and then, boy is it a Roller coaster- from that first sniffle right up until they become parents themselves, the worry never stops.
And of course we want the best for them and Oh! how much we want to put an old head on young shoulders!
We all want our children to be healthy, both physically and emotionally, and we all know and worry endlessly when we think they are suffering.
Hypnotherapy can work wonders for children of all ages, and perhaps, in the same was as being around children, working with children can be just the most rewarding thing!
The young 'uns.
The behavioural problems in children can quite often begin with a tiny fear, which triggers a tiny anxiety, which, if repeated, the association between both can grow stronger and consequently the fear becomes disproportionately bigger. Which is not such great news however, like childrens' fear can get out of proportion quickly and easily the way that they positively respond to Hypnotherapy is far stronger than most adults and so treatment for the problem can be quick and uncomplicated.
What can be treated relatively simply with Hypnotherapy?
Anxiety, fears and phobias, unnatural stubbornness, head banging, tantrums, bed wetting, stool holding, selective eating, sleep disorders, nail biting, self esteem, compulsiveness, sibling rivalry, jealousy, tics, thumb sucking. Of course, we can all display elements of the above, but you know as a parent, when tipping point has been reached.
If you have any thoughts or concerns or questions you would like to ask, just call for a chat.
Most importantly the plan is for your child to have fun during the session and not even realise they are being treated!
The older ones
Thanks to Darwinism at it's finest, do children want to listen to their parents?! No. Not really, for older children this is a reflection of growing up; being their own self, and as much as they may want to do what we say, they can't... Let alone follow directions whilst in a body hammered by hormones....Let alone their friends involvement....
Hypnotherapy can work wonders for children of all ages, and perhaps, in the same was as being around children, working with children can be just the most rewarding thing!
There is sooo much pressure on young adults in London at school age; pressure to perform and excel at not one, but ALL subjects, not an A but an A star, think about their futures in jobs that technology may not even have invented yet and manage the constant self esteem tug from social media, there is just too much pressure and even the hardiest of child can feel worn down by it all once in a while.
So whether your child is struggling with anxiety or being confident, or they have tricky eating patterns, their self esteem needs strengthening or feel overwhelmed by exams, friends, and the (wonderful Vs Horrifying) social media, Hypnotherapy can be a useful tool for them to centre themselves and just feel stronger.
It is tricky learning to fly.